Nicor Gas Removes Trees From Easement in Burnidge Forest Preserve
Users of Paul Wolff Campground and Burnidge Forest Preserve have likely noticed the tree-clearing project within the preserve.
According to a post on the Forest Preserve District of Kane County’s Facebook page, Nicor maintains an easement through the property that existed well before the Forest Preserve District’s ownership. Nicor Gas also has ownership of a portion of the property, which allows the utility to access and maintain specific areas around the natural gas line.
“For safety, the utility company did need to cut down trees that were growing over or near the line,” the Forest Preserve District Facebook post said. “They were within their legal rights to do so.”
Nicor Gas officials consulted with the Forest Preserve District and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources in advance of this project, to better understand the sensitive features of the area, the Forest Preserve District said, surveying roughly five acres of the preserve, studying results, and listening to concerns about how the work could impact native trees, wetlands and other natural resources at Burnidge Forest Preserve.
“As a result, Nicor Gas agreed to our request to adjust its project route within the preserve, to reduce impact, and to avoid fragile wetlands and other water resources,” the district said. “They also greatly reduced their easement area.
“While it is unfortunate that old oak trees were lost, the district will reuse those resources as mulch to improve tree health in other areas of the preserves, and as firewood for the campground.”
For more information, contact Karen Gustafson at Nicor Gas at 630-317-1771. The Forest Preserve District may be reached at 630-232-5980.
The Facebook post is embedded below.
SOURCE: Forest Preserve District of Kane County Facebook page