VIDEO STORY: 5 Alternative Futures For Kane County
If you’re a quantum physics genius or sci-fi buff, you’ve probably contemplated an alternate universe scenario.
As we speak, CMAP is exploring five alternative futures for Kane County and the region. The project is called ON TO 2050, and it proposed the following “what if” scenarios.
Scroll down to see how you can take part in the planning and comment through Aug. 3.
What if climate change impacts intensify by 2050?
What if more people choose walkable communities by 2050?
What if innovative transportation changes how we get around by 2050?
What if a transformed economy can enhance prosperity by 2050?
What if constrained resources challenge our communties and region by 2050?
How You Can Shape the future
To shape the ON TO 2050 comprehensive regional plan, CMAP is conducting extensive public engagement around five possible Alternative Futures: Changed Climate, Walkable Communities, Innovative Transportation, Constrained Resources, and Transformed Economy. Each has distinct factors that could significantly shape our region for decades to come.
Take the online survey for the Contrained Resources topic now by clicking this link. CMAP will carefully consider all input while drafting the ON TO 2050 plan prior to its adoption in October 2018.
You can comment through Aug. 3 on a draft Preview Report describing anticipated ON TO 2050 recommendations.