Clean Energy Town Hall To Be Held Aug. 14 in Aurora

Clean Energy Town Hall To Be Held Aug. 14 in Aurora

You are invited to learn more about the Future Energy Jobs Act at an upcoming Clean Energy Town Hall hosted by the Illinois Sierra Club, state Reps. Stephanie Kifowit and Linda Chapa La Via, and state Sen. Linda Holmes.

The groundbreaking Future Energy Job Act, or Public Act 99-0906, took effect on June 1 this year and will provide funding for job training and energy efficiency programs throughout the state of Illinois.

Mavis Bates, chairman of the Sierra Club Valley of the Fox Group, said attendees will have a chance to hear how these programs will benefit the local community.

“The Future Energy Jobs Act creates a new vision for Illinois,” Bates said. “We want our community to be a part of that vision.”

Clean Energy Town Hall

  • When: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Monday, Aug. 14
  • Where: IBEW Local Union 461 (Address: 591 Sullivan Road, Aurora)

The Town Hall will feature presentations from Illinois Sierra Club Director Jack Darin, as well as speakers from the Citizens Utility Board, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, and Faith in Place.

Learn more about FEJA at