ComEd Project Sets Stage For Third Rail Line at Geneva Metra Station

ComEd Project Sets Stage For Third Rail Line at Geneva Metra Station

ComEd Project Map
Commonwealth Edison has begun relocating utility lines near the Geneva Metra Station and surrounding area this month and will continue through early October.

ComEd’s work is in preparation for the future Union Pacific Third Main Rail Line construction, which is anticipated to start in 2018.

Union Pacific Third Main Line Project

Union Pacific Tracks and Downtown Parking Deck

The Union Pacific Railroad is planning to add a third line on its UP/Metra West Line from River Forest to Melrose Park and then from West Chicago to Geneva. In Geneva, the 6-mile stretch of new rail is proposed to being set 20 feet south of the current tracks.

The improvements are designed to ensure smoother traffic flow and reduce conflicts between commuter and freight trains that share the line. Earlier projects completed by Metra and Union Pacific modernized the signal system and added crossovers to make freight movement more efficient. The West Line third rail expansion will allow 59 Metra trains and 70 freight trains that use the line each day to operate at the same time, which the railroad agencies believe is a critical step to improving the line’s reliability and efficiency.

Union Pacific needs to acquire small tracts of land as part of the project. Specific property acquisition details have not been made available to the city.

Construction on the third rail is not expected to begin until 2018 and is expected to take 18 to 24 months to complete.


To prepare for the loss of about 145 surface parking spaces to accommodate the railroad expansion, the city secured grant funding and built a third tier expansion for the Third Street Commuter parking deck, with 180 new spaces.

The Fourth Street commuter permit parking lot (91 spaces) also opened in 2016.

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Follow the city’s “Pardon Our Progress” blog for the latest construction updates regarding the Third Main Line Project.

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