Watch History Come Alive at Carpentersville Civil War Re-Enactment Aug. 5-6

Watch History Come Alive at Carpentersville Civil War Re-Enactment Aug. 5-6

Watch history come alive this weekend during a battle between Union and Confederate soldiers in Carpentersville.

The village will be hosting Stanford’s Battery Re-enactor Group for the second year in a row in a two-day event set for 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 5, and from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 6, in Carpenter Park.

The re-enactment includes demonstrations, activities and battles throughout the day. During the Civil War re-enactment, loud cannons will be fired around the following times over the weekend event:

  • 8 p.m. Friday
  • 11 a.m., 12:15 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Saturday
  • 11 a.m., 11:45 a.m. and 2 p.m. Sunday

For more information, see the posting for the Carpentersville event on the Standford’s Battery Re-enactor Group website.

About Standford’s Battery of Illinois

Stanford’s Battery of Illinois is a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving America’s Civil War-era history through presentations and historical reenactments that are interesting in a relevant and useful way.

Membership is primarily from the greater Chicago, Illinois and Northwest Indiana areas. Events take place on most weekends from April through October. Organizers set up a typical artillery camp, drill, and participate in demonstrations with other Civil War Units in the area and at national level events. As a unit, Stanford’s Battery of Illinois tries to be as authentic as possible in appearance, but still have fun.

Triangle Park Carpenter Park Carpenter Park

Triangle Park is located at the intersection of West Main Street and South Washington Street. The park remains an open space area adjacent to the busy business district of Old Town. Resident and visitors typically use this park as open space to relax or utilize the picnic tables when the weather is clear.