Kane Communities Launch Efforts To Help Harvey Disaster Victims
Two Kane County cities have issued news releases regarding local campaigns to help victims in the wake of Hurricane Harvey or to provide the most reliable information on where and how to make contributions.
Aurora Launches Citywide Relief Effort
To best assist Aurora residents who want to help with disaster relief and ensure donations meet the needs of hurricane and flooding victims in Texas, the city of Aurora is launching an Aurora Hurricane Harvey Relief Effort to collect items that will directly benefit the affected residents of the greater Houston area.
In consultation with the Houston Mayor’s Office, the city of Aurora will assist in collecting high-demand items that can be used beyond the initial clean-up and recovery phase:
- Water — cases of bottled water or gallon jugs
- Baby Products — baby wipes and diapers for all sizes
- Feminine Hygiene Products — unopened packages of sanitary products
- Socks — new socks of all sizes and for all ages
Donations can be dropped off at Aurora’s Central Garage, 757 N. Broadway, beginning at 7 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 5. Donations of the aforementioned items will be accepted Monday–Friday from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. throughout the month of September.
A special downtown collection location will be open during the First Fridays event and Roots Aurora Festival from 5 to 9 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 1. Residents can drop off items at 13 S. Broadway at the front of the facility on Broadway or the rear of the facility on the Water Street Mall.
The city of Aurora WILL NOT accept direct monetary donations. With recommendation from the Houston Mayor’s Office, all monetary donations can be made through the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund that will accept tax-deductible flood relief. Organized by Houston’s mayor and administered by the Greater Houston Community Foundation, secure donations can be made online at https://ghcf.org/hurricane-
“I have personally spoken with native Aurorans who live in Houston,” said Alderman Scheketa Hart-Burns who helped to spearhead the relief effort. “They are living in hotels and holding on to hope for the future. Knowing their hometown community is supporting them means a lot. We need to come together to do as much as we can now, throughout the month and into the future.”
The city of Aurora will partner with schools, churches and community organizations that collect listed items throughout September by offering pick-up and storage service prior to shipping items to Houston. To arrange for a pick-up of aforementioned items, please call 630-256-3010 or email MyAurora@aurora-il.org with details.
“This is a big change for the city but the community has come together quite nicely through it all,” said Aurora native Jeremy Henderson who evacuated his home in Houston. “We’ll all come out of this better people.”
- FEATURE PHOTO CAPTION: Aurora native Jeremy Henderson carries his youngest son off the boat after voluntarily evacuating from his Houston home with his wife and two sons.
SOURCE: city of Aurora news release
St. Charles Offers Advice on How to Help Victims of Hurricane Harvey
The city of St. Charles has received questions from residents about how to help those affected by Hurricane Harvey, which made landfall Aug. 25, and has deluged the Houston area.
The City of Houston Emergency Operations Center posted the information below on their website (https://www.houstonemergency.org/city-and-county-officials-urge-care-as-residents-attempt-to-donate-items-to-disaster-survivors/), requesting donations to the established Hurricane Relief Fund.
In the wake of the devastating effects of Hurricane Harvey, individuals may want to donate to help affected residents. Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner and Harris County Judge Ed Emmett are urging people who wish help affected residents to donate money to recognized charities that are currently engaged in the response and recovery.
After receiving an overwhelming number of inquiries from citizens and companies who want to help, Mayor Sylvester Turner and County Judge Ed Emmett have established the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund that will accept tax deductible flood relief donations for victims that have been affected by the recent floods.
To donate, visit:ghcf.org/hurricane-relief
The fund will be housed at the Greater Houston Community Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity.
While some may feel compelled to donate specific household items to disaster survivors, please remember that this may create a burden on responding agencies, as they must collect, sort, clean, and distribute items
“We stand with our brethren in the city of Houston, and are moved by our residents who have contacted us as to how they can help,” said St. Charles Mayor Ray Rogina. “In reviewing such efforts with our experts on staff, and in seeking guidance from the city of Houston, we share the Greater Houston Community Foundation’s Hurricane Relief information. I truly believe we are our brother’s/sister’s keeper and your benevolence will certainly be much appreciated. God bless the City of Houston.”
For more information, contact Rogina at 630.377.4445.
SOURCE: city of St. Charles news release
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