Rush Copley Announces New Board Chairman

Rush Copley Announces New Board Chairman

Rush Copley today (Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017) announced the appointment of Bruce W. Dienst as chairman of the hospital’s Board of Directors.

Bruce W. Dienst (CREDIT: Rush Copley)

Dienst is president and chief executive officer of Simpson Technologies Corporation in Aurora. He is a graduate of Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) where he received a bachelor of science degree in finance and the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Business at Northwestern University, where he received a master’s degree in management.

Dienst initially joined the Rush Copley Board of Governors in 1999 and served as chairman of the medical center’s Finance Committee since 2008. He also serves as a member of the Board of Directors for the Rush Academic Health System in Chicago.

Dienst and his wife Kristie are residents of Geneva.

Stepping down as chairman is Mark Metzger, an attorney and mediator at the Law Offices of Mark C. Metzger. Metzger joined the Rush Copley Board of Governors in 1998 and served as chairman since 2011.

As chairman, Metzger guided the medical center during a period of significant growth while enhancing patient satisfaction and quality outcomes. He also championed furthering the corporate and clinical integration with Rush University Medical Center this past year. He will continue to serve on the medical center’s Executive Committee.

Learn more about Rush Copley’s leadership team at

SOURCE: Rush Copley news release