11 People Will Graduate From Kane County Drug Court

11 People Will Graduate From Kane County Drug Court

Drug Court graduate, not from Kane County. (CREDIT: Depositphoto image)

The Kane County Drug Rehabilitation Court will be hosting its bi-annual graduation ceremony at 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 26, at the Kane County Branch Court.

Eleven individuals are expected to graduate at a ceremony marking the completion of an intensive judicial program. While in drug court, participants received substance abuse and mental health treatment under close supervision.

To ensure accountability, participants were regularly and randomly tested for substance use and were required to appear frequently in court for the judge to review their progress. Sanctions were imposed for violations of obligations and rewards were given for meeting goals. Each participant paid all fines, fees and restitution imposed.

Treatment courts are this nation’s most effective strategy to reduce recidivism among substance-addicted, nonviolent offenders with criminal histories. Nationally, 75 percent of individuals who complete such programs are not re-arrested.

These courts save up to $13,000 for every individual they serve and return as much as $27 for every $1 invested.

Research continues to show that treatment courts work better than jail or prison, better than probation, and better than treatment alone.

“Treatment courts are a proven budget solution that stops the revolving door of arrest and incarceration for people with substance use and mental health disorders,” said Carson Fox, CEO of the National Association of Drug Court Professionals.

SOURCE: Kane County Drug Court news release

  • FEATURE PHOTO IMAGE: Previous Kane County Drug Court graduation ceremony