Fake Parking Stickers Distributed in Downtown Elgin
The Elgin Police Department is warning residents about a potential scam relating to parking violation stickers that were not issued by police or the Downtown Neighborhood Association that have been showing up on vehicles parked downtown.
According to an Elgin Police Department Facebook post, the stickers tell the owner that his or her vehicle has been illegally parked and to move it immediately “to avoid towing at your own expense.”
The yellow and black stickers have “DNA” printed at the bottom, but police stress that the stickers “are not authorized” by the Downtown Neighborhood Association.
“Enforcement action is not being taken based on these stickers,” the Facebook post says.
You can follow Elgin Police Department notifications under the hashtag #epdcommunitynotification.
The department is asking anyone who has received the stickers in the downtown area over the last few weeks to contact Brooke Rzeppa at 847-289-2573.
Back in 2016, the North Aurora Police Department cautioned residents not to fall for a parking violation scam that surfaced in the area. Unlike the Elgin sticker, the false North Aurora ticket indicated that the owner would have to appear in court if a “fee” of $173.74 wasn’t paid within 10 days.
SOURCE: Elgin Police Department Facebook page
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North Aurora Police: Don’t Get Taken In By This $173 ‘Parking Violation’ Scam