Kane County Schools: Stay Drug-Free, Celebrate Red Ribbon Week Oct. 23-31

Kane County Schools: Stay Drug-Free, Celebrate Red Ribbon Week Oct. 23-31

Don’t be surprised if you see red ribbons throughout your community this week.

Kane County has proclaimed Oct. 23-31 as Red Ribbon Week 2017, and the Regional Office of Education and Kane County Sheriff’s Office want your help celebrating. Red Ribbon Week is an initiative by the National Family Partnership to present a unified vision and visible front toward the creation of a drug-free community.

The ROE and Sheriff’s Office are encouraging schools to get involved. Students in fifth and sixth grade can express their creative side by making a Red Ribbon Week work of art themed around a drug-free lifestyle, and submitting them to the Sheriff’s Office. The Sheriff’s Office will also coordinate with schools that would like to schedule a presentation during Red Ribbon Week.

Schools throughout Kane County are participating, but those campaigns will be most effective when parents and community members join the effort.

Why should parents be aware?

For starters, children of parents who talk to their teens regularly about drugs are 42 percent less likely to use drugs than those who don’t; yet, only a quarter of teens report having these conversations.

Red Ribbon Week is the oldest and largest drug prevention campaign in the nation and your opportunity to get the ongoing conversation started.

This year’s theme is “Your Future Is Key, So Stay Drug Free.” Visit www.redribbon.org to learn more about Red Ribbon Week® and get tips for talking to your kids about drugs. The life you save may be that of your own child or a dear friend.

Red Ribbon Week FAQs


It is an ideal way for people and communities to unite and take a visible stand against drugs. Show your personal commitment to a drug-free lifestyle through the symbol of the Red Ribbon, Oct. 23 – 31.


The Red Ribbon Campaign was started when drug traffickers in Mexico City murdered DEA agent Kiki Camarena in 1985. This began the continuing tradition of displaying Red Ribbons as a symbol of intolerance towards the use of drugs. The mission of the Red Ribbon Campaign is to present a unified and visible commitment towards the creation of a drig-free America.


National Family Partnership is the sponsor of the National Red Ribbon Week Celebration. We are helping citizens across the country come together to keep children, families and communities safe, healthy and drug-free, through parent training, networking and sponsoring the National Red Ribbon Campaign.


A theme unifies each year’s campaign and helps to broadcast one message, creating a tipping point to change behavior.


Plan a Red Ribbon celebration. Order and display Red Ribbon materials with the National Red Ribbon Theme. Proceeds from the sale of Red Ribbon theme merchandise helps support prevention programs across America. Order for your family, students, staff, patients, employees and customers and encourage them to wear the red ribbon symbol during Red Ribbon Week.



WHEREAS, in 1985, the Red Ribbon Campaign began as a means to promote the importance of an active healthy, drug-free lifestyle in children and young adults; and

WHEREAS, the Red Ribbon was selected in 1985 as symbol to commemorate Drug Enforcement Agent, Enrique “Kiki” Camarena, whose life was tragically cut short while serving his country; and

WHEREAS, in 1988 under the leadership of the National Family Partnership, and honorary chairperson Nancy Reagan, Congress officially proclaimed Red Ribbon Week; and

WHEREAS, since that time, during a week-long tribute in October, citizens across the country unite to raise awareness against the catastrophic effects that alcohol, tobacco, and drug abuse has on family relationships, the community, and first responders; and

WHEREAS, the use and distribution of illegal drugs is a growing concern in Kane County and across the Nation; and

WHEREAS, drug-related problems plague all segments of society; and, it is imperative that community leaders band together in support of drug prevention programs; and

WHEREAS, wearing the Red Ribbon is a symbol that encourages anyone in need to seek assistance, recognizes the dedicated individuals who provide education in the field of alcohol, tobacco, and drug abuse awareness, and the determined law enforcement officers who protect our local communities from further decay and erosion that is fed by the drug trade.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Kane County Board and the Chairman thereof, encourages all community leaders to recognize the Red Ribbon as a symbol of zero tolerance and commitment to drug abuse prevention; and, that October 23-31, 2017, is proclaimed Red Ribbon Week in Kane County.

Passed by the Kane County Board on October 10, 2017.