Montgomery Announces Recycling Changes; Next Event Oct. 21

Montgomery Announces Recycling Changes; Next Event Oct. 21

The village of Montgomery’s recycling events will be changing in October to quarterly events for Montgomery residents only, and the location will also be changing.

Quarterly recycling events will be offered from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the third Saturday of the month in October, January, April and July at the Public Works facility at 891 Knell Road in Montgomery.

During the event, Montgomery residents can drop off electronics (anything electrical that plugs in, including TV’s of all types, computer monitors), rechargeable or lead acid batteries, and metal. Also accepted will be household hazardous waste, including pesticides, flammables (oil-based paint, paint thinner, gas and oil), caustic cleaners, toxics (such as pool chemicals and weed killer), CFL bulbs, and propane tanks 20 pounds or less.

The next upcoming event will be from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 21. A photo ID will be required to show residency.

Please note that this recycling event will not accept latex paint, appliances, regular light bulbs, regular alkaline household batteries, or tires.  More complete information may be found on the village’s website at

Please call (630) 896-8080, Ext. 9003, with any questions.

SOURCE village of Montgomery news release