Take The Kane County Healthy Eating Challenge
A healthy diet is essential when trying to prevent chronic disease. The Kane Health Counts Healthy Eating Challenge is designed to urge you to include more fruits and vegetables in your diet, and maybe try fruits and veggies you’ve never tried before.
Starting Oct. 1, you are challenged to consume five servings of fruit and five servings of vegetables every day for the next six weeks. This is a follow-up to our Kane Health Counts Steps Walking Challenge that we completed in June that 102 individuals and 17 work sites participated in.
These fun activities promote the type of healthy lifestyles that are important in preventing chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Chronic disease is one of our community’s top three health priorities identified in the Kane County Community Health Improvement Plan.
Once you have registered for the Challenge, go to “My Messages” and enter your email address for messages to go directly to you.
It’s easy to join:
- Visit www.supertracker.usda.gov/join
- Enter Access code: NQLK-24LF
- Sign up using first name and last initial in profile name
- Check “I Agree”
- Click “Join Group”
- Click “Quick Tracker”
- Select all fruit consumed each day
- Select all vegetables consumed each dayLooking to buy fresh produce? Use the Kane Health Counts farmer’s market locator map: http://arcg.is/2tJCZZ5. More information about the CHIP and the Kane Health Counts data platform is available at http://www.kanehealthcounts.org.
SOURCE: Kane County Health Department news release