Advancing the Development of Minority Entrepreneurship: FREE One-Day Workshop Is Nov. 16

Advancing the Development of Minority Entrepreneurship: FREE One-Day Workshop Is Nov. 16

Are you a new business owner or interested in becoming an entrepreneur? If so, you are invited to take part in an ADME business workshop.

This one-day workshop has been designed to instruct new business start-ups or individuals who have an interest to become entrepreneurs. The basic introductory program will address the fundamental needs of individuals who are just starting their own businesses and those who are inspired to start.

There is no cost for the workshop, and it is being offered to individuals in the Aurora area whose goal is to understand how to start or grow a business.

“Based on feedback from our ADME pilot program, we were made aware of the need to have a basic introductory program to address the need of individuals with less business experience,” organizers said in a news release. “This workshop will be offered to individuals in the Aurora area whose mission is to understand how to start or grow a business. ”

The one-day workshop will be take about three hours to complete.

Topics to be covered:

  • Business Entity
  • Business Enterprise
  • Program Certification
  • Business Planning
  • Credit
  • Access to Capital
  • Panel Discussion

ADME Workshop

  • When: 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017
  • Where: Aurora Chamber of Commerce, 43 W. Galena Boulevard, Aurora
  • Register: Eventbrite