Register Now To Receive Holiday Food, Gift Distribution From Salvation Army Tri-City Corps
Are you having trouble making ends meet during the holiday season or do you know someone who could use help with food or gifts?
The Salvation Army St. Charles Tri City Corps, the area’s largest social service provider, will be hosting registration for families in need to receive Thanksgiving and Christmas food and gift distribution from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. every Wednesday from Nov. 8 to Dec. 6 at the Salvation Army Tri-City Corps, 1710 S. 7th Ave, St. Charles.
Individuals and families living in the Tri-Cities area with the zip codes of 60174, 60175, 60134, 60510, 60183, and 60184 can apply.
Spanish translators will be available. Individuals are asked to bring the appropriate documentation and must be 18 years and older to register. The organization encourages that children not be in attendance due to the lengthy registration process.
Information to Bring:
- A valid photo ID (state identification, drivers license, or matricula) for all adults in the household including person registering.
- Current utility bill, lease or mortgage statement of the person registering for proof of residency. Letters from landlords and/or roommates will not be accepted.
- Thirty day proof of all current household income (pay stubs, Social Security, pension, child support, TANF, unemployment or other documents) for all adults 18 years and older living in the household.
- Birth certificates for all children in the household 17 years and under.
- List of child or children’s sizes in clothing, shoes and their toy wish list.
- Incomplete information will result in application NOT being processed.
For more information, please contact The Salvation Army Tri-City Corps at 630-377-2769.
Funding is provided through the red kettle bell-ringing effort, so volunteer bell ringers are needed and appreciated. Individuals, families, service clubs, churches, businesses, and schools can signup online at or by calling Deanna at 630-377-2769, Ext. 201.
The Salvation Army Angel Tree program and Jim Wheeler Toys for Kids programs provide clothing, toys, books, coats, and mittens for children in need. To be a sponsor or to donate goods, please contact Senaida, Pam, or Gloria at 630-377-2769.
About The Salvation Army of the Tri-Cities
The Salvation Army has served the Tri-City community for over 65 years of dedicated service. The Tri-City Corps provides basic human needs such as food, rent and utility assistance, as well as case management, health education, youth programming, senior meals and spiritual assistance to those in need. The Tri-City Corps is located at 1710 S. 7th Ave, St. Charles IL 60174 and is part of The Salvation Army Metropolitan Division.