Election 2018: New Polling Place For St. Charles Precinct 3
The Kane County Clerk’s Office is informing voters registered in St Charles Precinct 3 that their polling place has been changed.
If you previously voted at AMLI of St. Charles, you will now vote at the St. Charles Public Library, 1 S. Sixth Ave., St. Charles, IL 60174.
In a tweet this week, the Clerk’s Office promised that reminders would be coming in 2018.
The next election, of course, is the 2018 general primary, which takes place on March 20.
The March primary will include several countywide offices, all of Illinois’ 18 seats in the United States House of Representatives, statewide races that include the race for governor as well as elections for the offices of the Illinois House of Representatives and Illinois State Senate. Local referendums also will appear on the ballot.
For more information about the election, see this page of the Kane County Clerk’s Office website. Kane County residents who live in Aurora should check out the Aurora Election Commission website for additional information.