Fermilab Offers Awesome Job Opportunities For Veterans

Fermilab Offers Awesome Job Opportunities For Veterans

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory has some awesome opportunity for veterans.

(CREDIT: Fermilab)

The lab is looking for about 12 paid veteran interns — “VetTech’s” — to work 40 hours a week for 10 weeks in the summer of 2018.

A Fermilab VetTech is a military veteran interning as a technician to provide routine technical support for an assigned experiment or support group. The VetTech Internship Program assumes apprenticeship level expertise, general military experience and/or knowledge based on academic study.

A VetTech works under the direct supervision of a Fermilab employee. The technician-intern may fabricate, assemble, calibrate, operate, test, repair or modify a variety of electronic or mechanical equipment, systems, devices or databases. The intern may also work in information technology or perform environmental, safety and health duties, including environmental, waste water disposal and radiological surveys.

Download the 2018 VetTech Internship Program Poster: