Kane County Circuit Clerk’s Office Launches Local Debt Recovery Program
The Kane County Circuit Clerk’s Office is partnering with the Illinois Office of the Comptroller to collect more than $1 million in unpaid fines, fees, costs and assessments associated with courtroom judgments.
Kane County Circuit Clerk Thomas M. Hartwell said participation in the program will help the Circuit Clerk’s Office and the courts collect outstanding revenues which are needed to sustain ongoing operations.
“More than a million dollars of uncollected court debt will qualify for this program,” he said. “We won’t collect all of it, but we certainly will collect some of these past due amounts.”
According to a Jan. 8 news release, the Circuit Clerk’s Office will participate in the Local Debt Recovery Program of the Illinois Office of the Comptroller. The program provides for state assistance in the collection of debts owed to the Circuit Clerk’s Office.
Under Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza, the Local Debt Recovery Program provides for the offset of tax refunds or other payment made by the state to parties with qualified debts owed to the Circuit Clerk’s Office.
Authority for the state payment offset is granted under Section 10.05 of the Act [15 ILCS 405/10.05 and 10.05d].
SOURCE: Kane County Circuit Clerk’s Office news release
About The Kane Count Circuit Clerk’s Office
The Kane County Circuit Clerk’s office and the 16th Judicial Circuit Court process more than 25,000 case files each month and the Circuit Clerk’s Office handles 6,000 phone inquiries per month from citizens, court officials and attorneys. The office of Kane County Circuit Clerk Tom Hartwell is located in the Kane Branch Court building at 540 S. Randall Road, St. Charles, just north of IL Route 38.