Dundee Storytime Will Welcome State Librarian Jesse White on March 1

Dundee Storytime Will Welcome State Librarian Jesse White on March 1

Miss Kara shares a smile with some of the “Wonderful Ones” at the Dundee Library’s popular storytime. Special guest Jesse White will distribute board books at the March 1 session at 10 a.m. (CREDIT: Fox River Valley Libraries)

All are welcome to a very special session of the Wonderful Ones Storytime at 10 a.m. Thursday, March 1, at the Dundee Library.

Special guest Illinois Secretary of State and State Librarian Jesse White will attend the storytime and distribute board books to the children on behalf of The Illinois Literacy Foundation.

All are welcome to attend. No registration necessary.

The Dundee Library is located at 555 Barrington Ave. (IL Route 68) in East Dundee. Visit the library’s website at www.frvpld.info or call (847) 428-3661 for more information.

The district serves 70,000 residents of Carpentersville, East Dundee, West Dundee, Sleepy Hollow, Gilberts and parts of Algonquin.

SOURCE: Fox River Valley Public Libraries news release