What's Closed, Open on Presidents Day (Washington's Birthday) 2018?

What’s Closed, Open on Presidents Day (Washington’s Birthday) 2018?

This year, Presidents Day is observed on Monday, Feb. 19. Washington’s Birthday, also known as Presidents’ Day, is a federal holiday held on the third Monday of February. The day honors presidents of the United States, including George Washington, the USA’s first president.

Wondering which businesses and services will be available on the federal holiday? Check the following list to find out what’s open and closed in Kane County.


All federal offices will be closed Feb. 19 to observe this federal holiday. The holiday is designated as “Washington’s Birthday” in section 6103(a) of title 5 of the United States Code, which is the law that specifies holidays for Federal employees. “Though other institutions such as state and local governments and private businesses may use other names, it is our policy to always refer to holidays by the names designated in the law.


The state of Illinois observes Presidents Day / Washington’s Birthday and will close all state offices.


Kane County non-emergency offices will close for Presidents Day. Kane County Connects will not post a daily e-newsletter on Monday, Feb. 19.


In observance of Presidents Day, most city and village offices in Kane County will be closed on Feb. 19.


The curbside collection schedule is unaffected in most Kane County communities. Click here for links to websites of Kane County cities and villages to find out your town’s pickup schedule.


All major U.S. stock exchanges (NYSE, NASDAQ and American Stock Exchange) follow the same holiday schedules, and Presidents Day is one of them. There is no insider trading reporting in these market holidays.


The U.S. Postal Service will not deliver mail and post offices will be closed. Self-service lobbies will remain open. Just as an FYI, the Postal Service refers to the holiday as Washington’s Birthday (observed) rather than Presidents Day.

UPS and FedEx will maintain regular business hours on Monday, Feb. 19.


The Illinois Secretary of State driver’s license facilities will be closed to observe the Washington’s Birthday holiday. Please check each facility for the exact date.


Waubonsee Community Colleges is open for Presidents Day, but Elgin Community College is closed, according to the ECC Academic Calendar.

Most public schools are closed for Presidents Day on Feb. 19.


Most banks and credit unions observe the federal holiday by closing. Call your branch for more information.