Learn About The Ecology And Evolution of The Horse
Two local equestrians and naturalists will share their passion for both nature and horses during an upcoming “Learn from the Experts” nature program.
Horses have shaped lifestyles and landscapes. Their influence in ecology and culture is felt throughout the world. During this program, you’ll learn about the evolution of Equus calabus, the domestication of the species, and the influence of the horse on ecology and culture.
“The Ecology and Evolution of the Horse,” program is from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday, April 24, at Frontenac Farm. The first part of class will be indoors. The second part will be held in the arena, where there will be a variety of breeds to compare structure and function.
Frontenac Farms is located at 35W199 Boncosky Rd., Sleepy Hollow. Frontenac Farms is owned and operated by Kane County Certified Naturalist Cindi Martinovec. Both she and fellow naturalist and equestrian Lisa O’Brien will lead the program.
This Learn from the Experts program is for ages 18 and up. The registration fee is $10 per person. Advance registration is required. Call 630-444-3190 or email programs@kaneforest.com to register.
Learn from the Experts programs are taught by experts in their respective fields and offer in-depth learning opportunities about our local ecology. The programs are offered through a partnership with the Forest Preserve District of Kane County, St. Charles Park District and Geneva Park District.
For more information on the Forest Preserve District, visit www.kaneforest.com or social media @forestpreserve.
SOURCE: Forest Preserve District of Kane County news release