Love Books? Friends of the Library Hold March 22-24 Book Sale in East Dundee

Love Books? Friends of the Library Hold March 22-24 Book Sale in East Dundee

Love books?

If you do, you’ll have a chance to stock up on a lot of great new titles at the Friends of the Library Spring Book Sale at the Dundee Library. The sale opens from  5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, March 22, and will continue from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday and Saturday, March 23 and March 24, in the library’s meeting room on the lower level.

The Dundee Library is located at 555 Barrington Ave. (IL Route 68) in East Dundee.

This sale features thousands of newly donated materials. Hardcovers are $2; paperbacks are $1; romance paperbacks are three for $1; DVDs and audio books are $2; CDs and computer games are $1; and children’s books are 25 cents. (A book buyer’s scanner fee is $10). Organizers request payment by cash or check only.

Patrons who bring a non-perishable item for the F.I.S.H. Food Pantry will receive one free paperback book for each donation, with a limit of 10 total.

Organizers will hold a last-hour special from 3 to 4 p.m. Saturday. During that hour, you can pay $5 for as many items you can fit in a grocery bag.

The Friends of the Fox River Valley Public Library District is a group of local volunteers who enjoy helping the library prosper and grow through various fund-raising activities. Proceeds from events like their bi-annual book sale have resulted in many enhancements to the library such as a 3D Printer, VHS to DVD and Vinyl to MP3 digital conversion equipment, the Peek-A-Book system in the children’s department, added titles to the audiobook, Spanish, and large print collections, and a popcorn machine that is used during movie events.

The Friends meet at 7 p.m. every third Tuesday of the month at the Dundee Library.

The Fox River Public Library District serves 70,000 residents of Carpentersville, East Dundee, West Dundee, Sleepy Hollow, Gilberts, and parts of Algonquin.

Visit for more information.

SOURCE: Friends of the Fox River Valley Public Library District news release