Free Compost Giveaway April 21 in Mill Creek!
Mill Creek residents have been composting food scraps in the yard waste carts since May of 2017.
It’s a very cool program, so if you missed the original announcement and want to read more, please check out this May 26, 2017, Kane County Connects article.
Compost Your Food Scraps in Your Curbside Organics Cart!
Hey, Mill Creek residents! Did you know that you can place food scraps in your yard waste cart to ride along to the compost facility? Why landfill the nutrients when you can recycle them into new healthy soil?
Here’s how it works:
Residents collect kitchen food scraps and place them in the yard waste cart. The mixed organic material is then collected from the curb by Advanced Disposal and transported to Compost Supply for processing, where it is turned into food-scrap amended compost, a nutrient rich soil amendment that your gardens will love.
SAVE Money And Compost, Too!
You do need a cart to participate in this program, as we cannot accept wet food waste in the bags.
The three-cart option (recycling, trash and organics) only costs $2.68 a month ($32.16 per year) more than the two-cart option (recycling and trash only with bags and stickers for yard waste).
Here’s the deal! A yard-waste cart fits two bags worth of material in it, and you do not have to buy bags or stickers. Stickers cost $2.92 each, so you’ll SAVE MONEY by using the cart – AND you can compost your food scraps, too!
For more information on your curbside food scrap composting program available through your waste and recycling collection service with Advanced Disposal, please call 630-587-8282.
Compost Giveaway
Kane County, in conjunction with the Mill Creek Earth Day Cleanup Day, is pleased to provide residents of Mill Creek with this free giveaway of finished compost you helped to create! See event poster here and embedded below.
- What: Kane County is giving away free finished compost for your garden beds
- When: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 21
- Where: The Circle in Village Center on North Mill Creek Drive
- Bring: A shovel, along with your wheel barrow, buckets, bags, or trucks to fill up on this free compost for your gardens! We are getting 10 cubic yards so come take as much as you can carry. First come, first served.
- Sponsored by: Kane County, Compost Supply and Advanced Disposal
- Questions? Kane County Recycling Coordinator Jennifer Jarland, at 630-208-3841,