Lightning Strike Causes Roof Fire of Elgin Business

(CREDIT: Google Maps)
A lightning strike caused a roof fire Wednesday at a business in an industrial area near the cloverleaf ramp of the Jane Addams Memorial Tollway at IL Route 31.
According to an Elgin Fire Department news release, firefighters were dispatched to a possible fire on the roof of a business on the 700 block of Tollgate Road at 5:05 p.m. Wednesday May 30.

(CREDIT: Google Maps)
The first units arrived within four minutes, and firefighters saw light smoke coming from the northwest corner of the roof of the building. The fire was upgraded to a “working fire” due to the size of the building and the potential fire spread and possible damage to businesses in the building.
Witnesses said they saw a flash of lightning and shortly after smelled smoke in the building and saw the smoke coming from the roof. The employees in the building quickly called 911 and pulled the fire alarm.
Fire officials said the fire was extinguished in about 20 minutes due to the amount of work that had to be done on the roof to get to the area that was burning. Firefighters from Elgin, West Dundee and Carpentersville responded to the fire.
There were no civilian or firefighter injuries. and the amount of damage was estimated to be $10,000 to the roof and the front door which had to be forced open to get inside.
After the fire, Elgin Fire Chief David Schmidt reminded residents of the importance of notifying the Fire Department immediately upon the discovery or suspicion of a fire.
SOURCE: Elgin Fire Department news release