64 Kane County Roads Get Pavement Marking, Starting June 25

64 Kane County Roads Get Pavement Marking, Starting June 25

The annual Kane County Pavement Marking Program work will begin the week of June 25, 2018, weather permitting.

The work shall include installation of urethane and paint pavement makings onto 248 miles of Kane County highways as indicated on the above map.

County policy is to apply paint pavement markings annually on the majority of the county’s rural highways and the more durable urethane pavement marking onto the high volume county highways. This pavement marking project will improve the visibility of the lane markings for the motoring public.

The work is anticipated to be completed by the end of September, weather dependent.

Temporary daily lane closures will be required from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday to accomplish this work. Please watch for workers, equipment on the roadway and shoulders, anticipate increased travel times and exercise caution while traveling in freshly painted areas.

Questions or concerns may be directed to Ray Johnson at 630-406-7356.

For all Kane County traffic advisories, visit the Traffic Alerts Page of the KDOT website.

SOURCE: KDOT news release

Work Zone Safety Alert

Drivers in this project area should be prepared to reduce their speed, exercise caution, watch for construction workers and construction vehicles entering or leaving the site, and obey flaggers and other traffic control devices within the work zone.

Drivers should expect delays and may want to add additional time to their commutes and consider the use of alternate routes while this work is completed.

KDOT reminds drivers that is illegal to talk on a cell phone or text while driving through a highway construction work zone. The minimum penalty for speeding in a work zone is $375.

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