Did You Miss Your Property Tax Payment? Penalty Goes Up July 5

Did You Miss Your Property Tax Payment? Penalty Goes Up July 5

Well, the June 4 deadline to pay the first installment of your property tax bill has come and gone, and you forgot. What do you do now?

First off, don’t panic. Just pay it ASAP so that you don’t incur any additional penalty.

Hundreds of people came to the Kane County Government Center on Monday, June 4, to get their first-installment payments in on deadline day. Kane County Treasurer David Rickert said it was one of the busier final days he’s seen in recent years.


“We just had a lot of foot traffic,” he said. “Maybe because it’s such a nice day and beautiful weather and people don’t mind getting outside.”

Rickert roughly estimated that more than 1,000 paid in the office Monday. About 900 deposited their payment in the drop box behind Building A over the weekend.

The penalty for missing the June 4 deadline for the first installment, as you can see in the chart above, is 1.5 percent. That’s the amount you pay if your late payment is receive between now and July 4.

If you haven’t paid the first installment of your Kane County property tax bill yet, you might want to get on that.

Rickert is reminding taxpayers that the penalty for a first-installment payment of property taxes will increase to 3 percent after July 4.

The penalty continues to increase over time, and all unpaid property taxes will be sold at a sale on Oct. 29.

If you are a new or existing homeowner and need a copy of the bill to remit payment, you may print off a bill from the Internet by visiting the KaneCountyTreasurer.org website or by contacting the Treasurer’s Office at 630-232-3565.

Taxpayers can make payment by:

  • Mailing the payment to the Treasurer’s Office.
  • Dropping the payment off in the property tax drop box, which is available 24 hours a day. The drop box is located behind Building A at the Kane County Government Center, 719 South Batavia Ave., Geneva, IL.
  • Pay over the Internet by credit card or e-check. Please note there is a convenience fee for this service.

Kane County has a new property-tax website, as well, that allows you to pay property taxes online.

The deadline for the second installment is Sept. 4 this year.

For more information, visit the Treasurer’s Office website, the Frequently Asked Questions PDF or read the following Kane County Connects articles.

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New Web Page Lets You See Your Property-Tax Info, Pay Taxes Online