Is Kane Experiencing Climate Change? Weather Records Pour In This Spring

Is Kane Experiencing Climate Change? Weather Records Pour In This Spring

If you want to start a lively conversation on climate change, you can start by quoting the National Weather Service Chicago stats on our spring seasonal summary.

According to the NWS-C, several monthly records were established or tied during the meteorological spring months of March, April and May for Chicago and Rockford.

Ironically, April was one of the coldest months on record, while May was one of the warmest.

Chicago Spring Stats

At Chicago, the average high temperature for the spring season was 57.0 degrees, which is 1.5 degrees below the 1981 to 2010 normal.

The average low temperature was 39.1 degrees, which is 0.3 degree above normal. The mean temperature for the season was 48.1 degrees, which is 0.5 degree below normal.

A total of 12.67 inches of precipitation was recorded during this past spring, which is 3.11 inches above normal.

There was a total of 5.8 inches of snow recorded at Chicago, which is 1.0 inch below normal.

Here in Kane County, Aurora got the most rainfall in May — a whopping 7.12 inches.

Chicago Top Monthly Records

Here are the top monthly records established or tied during the spring months:

  • March: None.
  • April: Fourth coldest April on record with 41.2 degrees.
  • May
    • Third warmest May on record with 66.1 degrees.
    • Wettest May on record with 8.21 inches.

Rockford Spring Stats

At Rockford, the average high temperature for the spring season was 58.0 degrees, which is 1.8 degrees below the 1981 to 2010 normal.

The average low temperature was 36.9 degrees, which is 1.1 degrees below normal. The mean temperature for the season was 47.5 degrees, which is 1.4 degrees below normal.

A total of 7.06 inches of precipitation was recorded during this past spring, which is 2.63 inches below normal.

There was a total of 6.5 inches of snow recorded at Rockford, which is 0.8 inch above normal.

Rockford Top Monthly Records

Here are the top monthly records established or tied during the spring months in Rockford:

  • March: None.
  • April
    • Second coldest April on record with 40.4 degrees.
    • Sixth driest April on record with 1.16 inches.
  • May: Fourth warmest May on record with 66.0 degrees.

Latest Seasonal Climate Report: Chicago  |  Rockford

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