4 Tips For ‘Optimal Experience’ at Kane County Recycling Extravaganza
Kane County’s biggest recycling event of the year — the fabled Recycling Extravaganza — is set for 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, July 14, 2018, at the Kane County Branch Court, 540 S. Randall Road in St. Charles.
The annual extravaganza event includes document shredding, electronics recycling and latex paint recycling, among an array of recycling opportunities.
“Please see the fabulous online event poster for more details, and please read below information to make the most of your event experience!” Kane County Recycling Coordinator Jennifer Jarland said.
Tips For Optimal Event Experience
- Arrive between the hours of 8 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. for optimal service. Don’t arrive early, as it creates a pile up before we even begin.
- Approach on the northbound side of Randall, coming up from IL Route 38 toward IL Route 64, so that you can easily turn right, into the event at the Kane County Traffic Court building. If you approach on the southbound side of Randall, you may have difficulty turning left into the event site across the oncoming traffic, and the lineup creates a traffic flow problem on Randall.
- Check out this MAP of the event to see the order in which things will be unloaded so that you can pack your car accordingly. This helps us to serve you more efficiently.
- Stop into Colonial Café for brunch after recycling! You will receive a discount coupon as you go through the event that you can use right away!
Prepare To Have Material Unloaded in This Order – MAP
- 4-foot fluorescent tubes, batteries, Styrofoam, bikes, mobility devices, sewing machines, clothes, shoes, garden tools (all unloaded at the first stop)
- Electronics — fee applies to TVs and monitors
- Books
- Latex paint — fee applies
- Document shredding (if you only have shredding, you may turn left at entrance and bypass all of the other stations)
Confidential Document Destruction
Kane County will have four document-shredding service trucks on site. This service is for residential use only. (NO businesses, please!)
There is a four-box/bag limit per vehicle. Staples, paperclips, envelope windows are OK to leave in. Remove all large binder clips and plastic folders.
Do not bring periodicals or other paper that does not need to be shredded and can go in your household recycling bin. All paper collected will be shredded on site and then taken for recycling.
Go to: www.countyofkane.org/recycling for more information, or contact Jennifer Jarland, Kane County’s recycling program coordinator, at recycle@countyofkane.org or 630-208-3841 with any questions.
SOURCE: Kane County Recycles news release