Aurora Intersections With Most Crashes, Fatalities From January to June 2018
The first half of the year statistics are in, and the Aurora Police Department is reporting its most dangerous intersections for the period of Jan. 1 to June 30, 2018.
Can you guess the most dangerous locations?
Eola Road certainly is one of the thoroughfares that comes up time and again. In fact, “Eola” appears among the top three intersections with most injuries or fatal crashes.
According to the APD Facebook post, there were 528 injury crashes in Aurora during that six-month period and 2,919 crashes in total.
Most Injury/Fatal Crashes
Intersections With the Most Injury/Fatal Crashes Jan. 1 to June 30 (and the number of crashes):
1. Eola & North Aurora/Indian Trail (12)
2. Butterfield/Rout 56 & Eola (9)
3. Eola & Liberty, New York & Route 59 and Route 59 & Ogden/Route 34 (8)
Total Injury Crashes CITYWIDE = 528
Most Crashes
Intersections with the most crashes from Jan. 1 to June 30 (and the number of crashes):
1. Eola & Ogden/Route 34 (36)
2. Route 59 & Ogden/Route 34 (31)
3. Indian Trail & Lake/Route 31 (30)
4. New York & Route 59 (28)
5. Eola & Liberty (26)
6. Eola & North Aurora/Indian Trail (25)
7. Galena & Orchard (24)
8. Butterfield/Route 56 & Eola and Route 59 & 75th (23)
9. McCoy & Route 59 (21)
10. New York & Farnsworth and Eola & New York (20)
Total Crashes CITYWIDE = 2919