Aurora Proposes Making MLK Day Paid Holiday For City Employees
The city of Aurora’s Human Resources Department has submitted a recommendation to the Aurora City Council to designate Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday as a paid holiday for city of Aurora employees.
The recommendation was made to the Finance Committee last week and forwarded to the Committee of the Whole for further discussion Tuesday (July 17, 2018).
“The MLK holiday is a designated federal and state holiday,” said Human Resources Director Alisia Lewis. “It is also already a paid holiday for our fire and police departments. We are proposing this change so that we are in alignment across the city.”
All unions affiliated with the city of Aurora have confirmed support of the proposal and each group will have the additional designated holiday included as part of their respective bargaining agreement.
“Not only will this allow us to be one the same accord with the federal government, state government and all of our bargaining units, it will also provide an opportunity for our staff to commemorate the life and legacy of Dr. King,” said Mayor Richard C. Irvin.
“Staff can now enjoy time with family and participate in community activities. Each year, the Aurora MLK Committee sponsors volunteer opportunities to serve the community on MLK Day that our staff can now contribute to prior to attending the community-wide celebration in the evening.”
If approved at the Committee of the Whole, the recommendation would be voted on during the Aurora City Council meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 24, 2018.
SOURCE: city of Aurora news release