Geneva Will Close Third Street For 3 Weeks in September To Repair Crosswalk
The city of Geneva says Third Street from Campbell to Fulton streets will be closed for three weeks starting Monday, Sept. 17, 2018, as the city replaces two sections of roadway concrete and a brick crosswalk that heaved during the winter.
Both traffic and parking will be prohibited on the two-block stretch in downtown Geneva during construction. The project will produce noise and dust as Geneva Construction, the city’s contractor, removes the old concrete. Work is anticipated to be finished by Friday, Oct. 5, weather permitting.
The city will be notifying impacted businesses and residents twice about the upcoming project, and construction signage is scheduled to be posted in early September.
Third Street will be closed between Campbell and Fulton at 12:01 a.m. Sept. 17. Motorists will be detoured to use Second Street. To accommodate the detour route, parking on Second Street from Campbell to Fulton streets will be prohibited from Sept. 17 to Oct. 5.
Traffic will be permitted to head east/west on Campbell, Franklin and Fulton streets throughout the project.
Merchants who have businesses within the designated work zone will need to make arrangements with their vendors. Delivery and garbage trucks will not be permitted to enter the work zone, even after construction hours. The city encourages impacted merchants to schedule these services early in the morning to avoid traffic congestion on downtown streets.
The city’s residential garbage collection with Lakeshore Recycling Systems on Second Street will take place as normal.
All downtown businesses and sidewalks will be open during construction. The project was scheduled for mid-September to avoid conflicts with any major festivals and downtown events.
For more information about the project, including a map and how to subscribe for construction updates, visit the city’s website. Questions about the project can be directed to the city’s Public Works Department at 630-232-1501.
SOURCE: city of Geneva