Kane County Communities Remember September 11th
Kane County communities are remembering the attacks, heroism and sacrifices of Sept. 11, 2001, in ceremonies open to the public.
Beginning at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 11, Aurora‘s public safety officials will be joined by Mayor Richard C. Irvin and community members at the Aurora Police Department, 1200 E. Indian Trail.
Marking the 17th anniversary of the tragedies in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania, the ceremony will feature a Presentation of Colors and Wreath Laying Ceremony by the Aurora Fire and Police Honor Guards with remarks from Aurora Police Chief Kristen Ziman, Aurora Fire Chief Gary Krienitz and Aurora Mayor Richard C. Irvin.
A special moment of silence will be held at 8:46 a.m. — the time the first plane hit the north tower of the World Trade Center.
“On this solemn occasion, we will come together again to remember those who lost their lives on that fateful day,” said Irvin, a veteran of the United States Army. “We also remember the families of those who perished and all whose lives were forever changed after experiencing the tragedies of Sept. 11, 2001.”
The ceremony is open to the public.
Public Invited to September 11th Remembrance Ceremony in Elgin
In partnership with the American Legion, the city of Elgin will host a September 11th ceremony at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2018, on the City Hall Plaza, located behind the Robert Gilliam Municipal Complex. All are invited to attend this service to remember those in public service who lost their lives and to honor those who continue to serve today.
For additional information please contact Barb Keselica, special events and community engagement manager, at 847-531-7056 or keselica_b@cityofelgin.org.
National Day of Service
September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance is the culmination of efforts, originally launched in 2002 that promotes community service on 9/11 as an annual and forward-looking tribute to the 9/11 victims, survivors, and those who rose up in service in response to the attacks.