Despite ComEd Change, Kane County's Electric Aggregation Still Best Deal

Despite ComEd Change, Kane County’s Electric Aggregation Still Best Deal

Despite an unexpected drop in ComEd’s non-summer rate, Kane County’s electric aggregation program still offers significant savings, according to statistics released by the Illinois Commerce Commission.

ComEd’s rate did not rise as expected this month, due to a settlement with the ICC and regulators.

NIMEC, the company that provides electric aggregation consulting for Kane County, called the rate adjustments “significant, lower than expected, and unforeseen.”

That said, Kane County’s electric aggregation rate of 7.026 cents per kilowatt hour — which is offered to all citizens who live in the unincorporated parts of Kane County — is still lower than ComEd’s net rate of 7.335 cents/kWh.

“Kane County residents are still saving with our electrical aggregation program,” said Jodi Wollnik, director of the Kane County Division of Environmental and Water Resources.

That is not the case, however, with a couple of electric aggregation programs of Kane County municipalities.

The village of North Aurora, in fact, last week recommended that residents opt out of its electric aggregation program, due to the change in the ComEd rate. The village’s aggregation program at a fixed rate of 7.72 cents/kWh.

The village of West Dundee also sent a news release this week explaining that its rate of 7.419 cents/kWh also is higher than ComEd’s adjusted rate.

West Dundee residents can opt out of the electric aggregation program and return to the lower ComEd rate at any time, with no early termination fee. To do so, call Dynegy Energy at 844-351-7691. Be sure to have your ComEd account number available when you call.

The lower ComEd rate will be in place through May 2019, according to the village of West Dundee news release. The village’s present electrical aggregation rate will remain as is until October 2020.

Why Did ComEd Reset Its Rate?

According to the village of West Dundee news release, ComEd is part of the PJM grid, a regional transmission organization that coordinates the movement of electricity in 13 states.

PJM is regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. PJM’s charges are included in the energy charge for all suppliers, including ComEd.

The pact affected the allocation of costs of transporting power to population centers. Flat rates were charged across the grid.

But it turns out East Coast states are more expensive to serve. Thus, some areas including Northern Illinois were subsidizing East Coast states. FERC had PJM re-set its pricing, cutting the cost of transmission and reimbursing electric consumers for past overpayment in those areas.

ComEd’s rates were re-set at 7.29 cents/kWh. When the transmission fee is added, the rate to residents is 7.335 cents/kWh, according to the Kane County Division of Environmental and Water Resources.

For questions about Kane County’s electric aggregation program, contact Resource Management Coordinator Jessica Mino at 630-208-8665 or ​​

SOURCE: Kane County Division of Water and Environmental Resources, village of West Dundee news release, NIMEC and ICC