Gail Borden Library Hosts Giant Lego Exhibit

Gail Borden Library Hosts Giant Lego Exhibit

A 10-foot-tall brick-built character is ready to greet visitors at the Gail Borden Public Library.

Exhibit manager Mary Amici-Kozi makes last minute adjustments.

The library exhibit, “Build It! With LEGO® Bricks,” started Tuesday, Oct. 16, and will be at the library through December.

To celebrate, the popular Northern Illinois Lego Train Club Exhibit will be at the library on Nov. 3 and 4, and a kids showcase complete with ice cream will take place on Dec. 4.

This exhibit is offered at no charge and it is open when the library is open.

Another intriguing part of the exhibit is world famous buildings depicted in LEGOs that were constructed by a 12-year-old Riley Wygant.

When Library Exhibit Manager Mary Amici-Kozi learned that Library Director Carole Medal’s grand nephew was an award-winning LEGO builder, she asked to see pictures and decided to add Riley’s creations to the exhibit.

Riley Wygant

Riley’s LEGO buildings include Trans America Pyramid, CN Tower, the Mackinac Bridge and Frank Lloyd Wright buildings.

Riley said he loves building the large models.

“When I see the building in a picture, I want to replicate it as closely as possible,” he said. “To get certain details of the scale of the building, I need to build it bigger than I originally planned.”

What does his great aunt think of Riley’s work?

“I am so proud of his joy and love of creating,” Medal said. “It is a pleasure to share his passion with the community we serve.”

Along with other young builders, Riley will be attending the LEGO® Architecture Showcase for Kids and Ice Cream Social at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 4 at the main library, 270 N. Grove Ave., Elgin. Click this link for more information.

Marcquis Robinson and Jeremiah Williamson meeting the new exhibit characters.

SOURCE: Gail Borden Library news release