Let The Raking Begin! Kane County Communities Leaf Collection Roundup 2018

Let The Raking Begin! Kane County Communities Leaf Collection Roundup 2018

Leaves are still hanging onto trees — at least, as of Oct. 4 in Kane County, IL.

But it won’t be long before they start coming down in droves. That’s why many Kane County communities have special brush pickup and leaf pickup options.

Leaf-collection programs in Kane County are, if you’ll pardon the pun, a mixed bag. Some already have started, some don’t start until later this month.

The following is a roundup of news release and website information on leaf-collection dates for municipalities in Kane County. If we missed any, please email the news release to kanecountconnects@gmail.com.

Many of the Kane County communities not listed below have a yard waste collection program under which all yard waste must be placed in biodegradable paper bags. Typically, those programs run though October and November, but you should consult your municipality’s public works department for up-to-date information.


Free Leaf and Branch Collection Starting Oct. 4

Free leaf collection for Algonquin residents, provided by Groot, will begin October 4 and continue through December 15, on regular collection days. Please be aware that no collection of yard waste will take place following December 15 collection, until March 2019.

Leaves in loose piles will not be collected. All leaves must be placed in standard paper yard waste bags or in reusable 32-gallon trash containers that are clearly marked. You may use a large and visible, red “X” to indicate yard waste on your reusable container.

During this time period, Groot will also provide free pickup of branches. Branches must not exceed 2 inches in diameter and must be tied in bundles which are not to be more than 4-feet in length, 2-feet in diameter and less than 50 pounds in weight.

Other yard waste, including grass clippings, plantings, sod, and woodchips, will require a collection sticker. Any bags or cans that contain leaves mixed with other yard waste will also require a collection sticker.

Also, please remember that putting leaves or yard debris into the street or on the sidewalk is prohibited by the Algonquin Municipal Code.

For more information, visit www.algonquin.org/groot.

SOURCE: village of Algonquin news release


Free Fall Leaf Collection Begins Oct. 15

Fall is soon to arrive and Aurora residents will be able to dispose of their leaves for free as part of the City of Aurora’s Annual Leaf Collection Program.

The free Fall Leaf Collection Program begins on Monday, October 15 and ends on Friday, December 7.

Yard Waste

Leaves must be put into a 30-gallon Kraft paper yard waste bag and placed at the curb on the regular garbage pickup day by 6:00 a.m. No waste sticker is needed.

Yard waste collection will also take place through Friday, Dec. 7, as well. On the regular garbage pickup day, yard waste must be placed in a 30-gallon Kraft paper yard waste bag not to exceed 50 pounds.

Each bag must have a waste sticker attached. The stickers used for yard waste are the same as the stickers used for excess garbage. Yard waste mixed with trash or yard waste in a trash can or plastic bag will not be collected.

Bundled Brush

Residents are also being reminded that brush must be bundled for collection. Unlimited bundled brush collection is in process and will end on Friday, Nov. 2.

Branches and limbs 1/2 inch to 4 inches in diameter and 2 feet to 4 feet in length must be bundled. Each bundle must weigh less than 50 pounds. Bundled brush does not need a waste sticker. Brush less than 1/2 inch in diameter is considered yard waste and must be packaged as previously described.

SOURCE: city of Aurora news release


1st Pickup Oct. 22

There are two leaf collection programs available to qualifying residents who pay the monthly leaf/brush fee on their utility bills: curbside vaccuum collection and leaf bag collection.

  • From Dec. 1, 2018, through Dec. 31, 2018, residents may place leaves in brown Kraft yard waste bags and put them out for collection on their scheduled refuse collection day WITHOUT A STICKER. The refuse collection company will collect yard waste bags (no cans) weekly until Dec. 31, 2018.
  • Only leaves may be placed in the yard waste bags. No grass or other yard waste can be mixed with the leaves. Please try to keep the yard waste bags as dry as possible.

If you have any questions on the leaf program, please call the Street Division of Batavia Public Works at 630‑454-2400.

Click this link to read more about Batavia’s leaf collection program.

SOURCE: city of Batavia website

Campton Hills

Campton Township Highway District’s Fall Brush Pick-up Begins Oct. 1, 2018

  • Editor’s Note: These are pickup times for brush, which does not include leaves. According to the Highway District guidelines, “Brush is hereby defined as trimmings from bushes or shrubs, as well as tree branches from trimming and/or pruning trees. Not considered to be brush are logs, root balls (not dirt), stumps, grass clippings, flowers, weeds, plants, leaves, lumber or anything in plastic bags or other such containers.”

The Highway District has announced the Fall 2018 dates for brush pick-up in Campton Township. Brush must be placed on the edge of the road by the weekend before the scheduled  pick-up in your area:Fall Brush Pick-up:

  • Monday, Oct. 1 through Friday, Oct. 5, for north of Route 64
  • Tuesday, Oct. 8 through Friday, Oct. 12 for south of Route 64
  • Monday, Oct. 15 through Friday, Oct. 19, for Campton Hills in Plato

Please make sure your brush conforms to Highway District guidelines for pick-up.

Residents with questions about the brush pick-up may contact the Highway District at 630-365-9300.

East Dundee

Burning Is Allowed

Yard waste burning is only allowed on the second and fourth Saturdays during the months of October, November and April and the second and fourth Sundays during the months of October, November and April.

Open burning under this section shall be allowed between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. October and November.

Burning waste during other months could result in a complaint being filed. Small campfires, however, are allowed year round.


Elgin’s On-Street Leaf Collection program to start Oct. 29

On-street leaf collection for Elgin residents living within the city’s four designated areas will begin Oct. 29 (as shown on map).

Residents within these four areas should rake their leaves along the curb by 6 a.m. on their scheduled leaf collection day. Leaves placed in the street after the crews have passed will not be collected until the next scheduled date.

Leaves should be raked to the street, along the curb or edge of the pavement. Avoid parking on the street on the scheduled leaf-collection days, as leaf piles blocked by cars will not be collected. Please do not mix trash, branches or other yard waste with leaf piles.

Residents always have the option to mulch their leaves as mulching provides additional nutrients to the soil which promotes turf growth.

Please keep in mind that weather may affect the published schedule. In the event of snow, all rake out collection will cease as snow and ice control operations take priority.

For more information, visit the city’swebsite or call Elgin 311. For updates throughout the leaf collection season, follow the city of Elgin onFacebook andTwitter or download the Elgin 311 mobile app, available inGoogle Play and theApp Store.


Ready, set, rake!

Geneva residents can plan their fall yard work schedule accordingly with the city’s curbside leaf collection program.

SOURCE: city of Geneva website


little girl in leaf pile

Montgomery Collection Starts Oct. 29

The 2018 Leaf Collection Program will take place in October and November.

Crews will make one pass through the Village during the following weeks: Oct. 29, Nov. 5, and Nov. 13. (Nov. 12 is a village holiday, so no leaf collection will take place on Monday, Nov. 12.)

Additional pickups will continue as needed until the end of November.  Grass clippings, sticks, twigs and other debris cannot be collected by the leaf vac.  Placement of foreign debris in the leaf piles will result in the crew skipping your address.

Link:village of Montgomery Leaf Collection Page

North Aurora

Curbside Leaf Program Starts Mid-October

The village of North Aurora offers a free leaf pickup service to residents. The leaf pickup program runs from mid-October through late November, and is provided to residents every other week.

For residents living on the west side of the river, pickup begins on the third Monday of October. Residents living east of the river pickup will begin on the fourth Monday of October. When completed each side of town will have received three pickups.

Note: Even though pickup begins on Monday at 7 a.m. all streets can not be service in one day.To ensure pickup during the designated east/west weeks please have your leaves out by 6:30 a.m. Monday of the specific week, to ensure pickup in case your street is serviced first.

Link: village of North Aurora Leaf Collection Page

Sleepy Hollow

Village Allows Leaf Burning

The village allows burning of leaves, but it is limited to the hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and only on the second and fourth weekends in the months of September, October and November only.

Please be sure that conditions are not such that would cause the burning to get out of control. To prevent road damage and expensive repair no burning is permitted on the streets or in the swales.

South Elgin

Senior/Large Lot Leaf Pick Up Program

Curbside, unbagged leaf pickup is provided to households owned and/or occupied by senior citizens (age 65 or older) who are currently enrolled in the Senior Credit Program and to owners/occupants of residential lots larger than one acre.

Leaves are collected by the contractor on Mondays from Sept. 1 through Dec. 15 or the first snow fall.

Residents should be aware that the program only applies to leaves generated on a qualifying lot and staff will monitor the program for compliance in this regard. If the village determines that non-site generated leaves have been placed on an eligible lot, the residence will be removed from the program until such time as the leaves have been removed or bagged in an appropriate manner.

Leaf pick-up must be scheduled in advance by contacting the Administrative Services Department at 847-742-5780 by noon the Friday before the pick up week.

St. Charles

St. Charles Leaf Collection Begins Oct. 31

Check the 2018 Leaf Collection Schedule below for schedule and availability.

Leaves must be on the parkway by 6:30 a.m. on your area’s designated day even though it may take several days to pick up the piles in your specific area.

This program is funded by a portion of the fee collected on the utility bills of eligible homeowners. Check your utility bill or call Utility Billing at 630-377-4426 with questions about your eligibility for this program.

Pick up is unavailable for the following subdivisions/areas: 

  • Cumberland Green
  • Whittington Course, Royal Fox private streets, Dunham Place Commons, Delnor Townhomes,  Delnor Glen Drive
  • Townes of Fox Chase
  • Walnut Hill Townhomes
  • Viewpointe
  • Willowgate
  • Wildrose Springs Townhomes, Auburn Court, Benham Court, Oak Crest
2018 Leaf Collection Schedule
2018 COLLECTIONS East of the River West of the River
1ST Pick Up Begins: October 31 November 6
2ND Pick Up Begins: November 12 November 16
3RD Pick Up Begins: November 26 November 26

Be sure to check the city’s website www.stcharlesil.gov, call Public Works at 630-377-4405 or send an email to pw@stcharlesil.gov for  any updates.

Sugar Grove

Paper Bag Yard Waste Pickup

Yard waste — which includes leaves — is collected weekly April 1 through the last refuse pickup in November. All yard waste must be placed in biodegradable paper bags or in a rigid container no larger than 32 gallons, clearly marked Yard Waste.

Click here for more information.

West Dundee

The village’s annual Leaf Collection Program will begin on the week of Oct. 15 and continue until approximately Nov. 30, weather depending.

Please rake leaves into the street approximately one foot from the curb. Be sure the pile consists of leaves only, and is free of sticks, rocks and other debris that will damage leaf collection equipment.