North Aurora Recommends Residents Switch Out of Village Electric Aggregation Program
The village of North Aurora has renewed its electricity aggregation program for the period of October 2018 to October 2019.
According to the village’s e-newsletter, the decision was made to continue the aggregation program at a fixed rate of 7.72 cents/kWh. The village was comparing that fixed rate to ComEd’s estimated comparable rate of 7.76 cents/kWh for the same time period.
The ComEd rate to compare was based on a blended rate of the Illinois Commerce Commission’s published ComEd rate for the period of October 2018 through May 2019 (7.941 cents/kWh) and an estimated rate for June 2019 through September 2019 based on this year’s summer ComEd rate (7.395 cents/kWh).
“The village has since been informed that the current ComEd rate was recently reset BELOW our aggregation program rate to 7.29¢ for October 2018 through May 2019,” the newsletter said. “ComEd’s rate was unexpectedly lowered due a settlement between the Illinois Commerce Commission and the Federal Regulatory Commission regarding electricity transmission costs.”
Due to ComEd’s reduced rate of 7.29¢, the village of North Aurora recommends that residents consider switching their account back to ComEd to realize this more favorable pricing. As the village has negotiated a fixed rate for a one year contract with Dynegy, officials said the village’s rate can not change to reflect the reduced rate.
Residents are encouraged to return to the lower ComEd rate of 7.29¢, with no early termination fee. To do so, please call Dynegy Energy at 844-351-7691.
For any questions or concerns, please contact Finance Director Bill Hannah at 630-897-8228, Ext. 225.
SOURCE: village of North Aurora. North Aurora newsletters can be obtained by clicking this link to Village Newsletters.