University of Illinois Partners With Forest Preserve to Monitor Groundwater

University of Illinois Partners With Forest Preserve to Monitor Groundwater

Forest preserve users may notice new groundwater-monitoring wells in four preserves, as a result of an intergovernmental agreement between the Forest Preserve District of Kane County and the University of Illinois.

Through the agreement, signed last November, the University of Illinois will install up to two wells at each of four preserve locations. The wells will monitor the St. Charles Bedrock Valley Aquifer over a 20-year period.

Wells will be flush with the ground and locked.

The research project allows the university to conduct long-term water monitoring, periodically sample water quality, and better understand the natural groundwater resources in Kane County. The university will provide data to the Illinois State Water Survey as well as to the National Groundwater Monitoring Network for the purpose of making the water-level data publicly accessible.

Well-digging began in mid-September and will continue through mid-October. Wells will be located at:

For more information, call the Forest Preserve District at 630-232-5980.

SOURCE: Forest Preserve District of Kane County news release