Election 2018: Kane County Voting Outcomes Mirrored State as a Whole
There isn’t much doubt that Democratic voters in Kane County came out in force for the “midterm” election.
Unofficial results from the Kane County Clerk’s Office website show that Kane County outcomes pretty much mirrored the state totals that saw a Democratic sweep of the statewide offices of governor, attorney general, secretary of state, comptroller and treasurer.
Similar patterns were seen in the Kane County races that involved U.S. Congressional offices.
Like the state as a whole, Kane County voters chose Sean Casten over Peter Roskam in the 6th Congressional District, and Lauren Underwood over Randy Hultgren in the 14th District. Ditto for Raja Krishnamoorthi over Jitendra “JD” Diganvker in the 8th Congressional District and Bill Foster over Nick Stella in the 11th Congressional District.
As Kane County goes, so goes the state, apparently.
Statistics indicate the strong Democratic turnout might have had a “trickle-down” effect in some local races.
Some examples include Democratic sheriff’s candidate Ron Hain’s win over Republican incumbent Don Kramer, Democratic circuit judge candidate Michael Noland’s win over Republican Tom Hartwell and Democratic candidate Mohammad “Mo” Iqbal over Republican incumbent Kurt Kojzarek in the Kane County Board 19th District.
Big Turnout Overall
Stats from the Kane County Clerk’s Office “Cumulative Report” also show a strong voter turnout in the General Election.
According to the report, 53.75 percent of Kane County’s registered voters took part in Tuesday’s election. That compares to 47.74 percent in 2014 during that last “midterm” election.
According to the Clerk’s Office “Voter Turnout” page, the 53 percent this year was far short of the 2016 presidential election, when turnout was 69.86 percent of registered voters. But that’s to be expected — presidential races always score higher voter turnout numbers.
Turnout was strong in precincts throughout Kane County. It was especially strong in Geneva — which seemed to be a focal point in the Underwood vs. Hultgren congressional race and the Karina Villa vs. Tanya Kouri state rep contest — as well as in places where there were referendums, including but not limited to Batavia, Rutland, Blackberry and Pingree Grove.
Several precincts recorded turnout of more than 70 percent.
Early Voting Total Big, Too
Early reports indicate early voting was very high, as well.
According to the Kane County Clerk’s Office Twitter page, almost 70,000 votes had been cast in Kane County as of Monday. By comparison, two days before the March 20 primary, the Clerk’s Office tweeted that more than 12,500 voters had cast early ballots.
In some cases, early voting totals nearly matched election day totals. In the Kojzarek vs. Iqbal County Board race, for example, there were 2,974 early or “grace period” votes and 663 votes by mail — a total of 3,637 that actually surpasses the 3,538 votes cast in that race on Election Day, according to the Clerk’s Office stats.
SOURCE: Kane County Clerk’s Office website
More Election Results
- Nov. 6 Election Results: Referendums
- Nov. 6 Election Results: Kane County Races
- Nov. 6 Election Results: “Other” Local Races
- Nov. 6 Election Results: State Races
- Nov. 6 Election Results: Federal Races