Geneva City Council To Vote Nov. 19 on East Side Dunkin’ Donuts Proposal
The decision of whether Geneva will get an East Side Dunkin’ Donuts rests with the City Council, which is scheduled to vote on the issue Monday (Nov. 19, 2018).
The Geneva Plan Commission on Nov. 8 recommended approval of the special use in the B2 Business District for a drive-through restaurant at the site at 206 E. State St.
According to a proposal by Eric Carlson, ECA Architects and Planners, posted on the city’s website, the project is a stand-alone Dunkin’ Donuts making use of the existing, abandoned gas station building located at the southeast corner of Route 38 and Crissey Avenue.
The project maintains the planned uses found within both the Geneva Comprehensive Plan and the Downtown Area Master Plan.
The narrative says the proposed elevations introduce many of Dunkin’s prototype design elements, making it one of the first in the Chicago area to showcase the new image.
Geneva Dunkin’ Donuts
- APPLICANT: Eric Carlson, ECA Architects and Planners
- ADDRESS: 206 E. State Street
- WARD: 5
- REQUEST: A Special Use in the B2 Business District for a drive-through restaurant.
- STATUS: Recommended for approval by the Plan Commission on Nov. 8, 2018. Scheduled for consideration by the City Council at 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 19, 2018, at City Hall.