Geneva Flag Lowered To Honor 3 Community Leaders

Geneva Flag Lowered To Honor 3 Community Leaders

The Geneva flag at City Hall has been lowered in memory of three former community leaders who passed away recently, including a mayor, alderman and police chief.


Richard Lindholm, 91, served as an alderman from 1959 to 1965, Geneva’s mayor from 1965 to 1973 and later as Geneva Township supervisor.


James Meyer, 88, was a former Third Ward alderman on the Geneva City Council. He also taught many years at Coultrap Middle School in Geneva.


Scott Brundige, 93, was a Geneva police officer for more than 28 years, retiring as police chief in 1979. He also was a circuit clerk bailiff for more than 16 years in Kane County.

Obituaries for Lindholm, Meyer and Brundige all can be found online.

“The city of Geneva expresses its appreciation to all three individuals for making numerous contributions to the community,” city officials said. “Our condolences to all the families on their loss.”

SOURCE: city of Geneva news release