Kane County Announces Fabyan Parkway Redevelopment Opportunity
Kane County has announced “a unique redevelopment opportunity” for the 39.7-acre former Kane County Jail site on Fabyan Parkway.
The Fabyan Road Kane County Property formally housed the County Jail and Juvenile Justice Facility that have been demolished. Now, county officials are examining opportunities to develop the site.
For that purpose, the county has posted a Request for Qualifications to solicit information from developers, who in conjunction with their development teams, are capable of redeveloping the area (or portions thereof) with one or more high-quality projects.
“Successful redevelopment will reflect market conditions, economic realities, and support community development within the context of the community and neighborhood settings,” the RFQ says.
The deadline for questions is Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2019. Sealed RFQ responses are due in the Kane County Purchasing Department by 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 16.
Prospective development teams are invited to submit a Statement of Qualifications detailing comparable project experience, projected property valuation of the subject property and a project concept statement/plan that includes an anticipated financing structure to highlight your development ideas for the redevelopment of the site.
The redevelopment opportunity sites are properties owned by the county.
The county is putting out the call to action so that officials can “fully understand the market potential of this land and to determine the market value of the land.”
A brief description of each parcel(s) are provided below.
Plans And Partners
A map of the redevelopment opportunity site will be provided to those who fill out the RFQ, illustrating the GIS PIN numbers of the subject properties.
Also included is the 2012 Fabyan Land Use Study (not formally adopted), 2015 Settler’s Hill Cross Country Feasibility Study the City of Geneva Southeast Subarea Plan that was adopted on Nov. 19, 2012, which illustrates adjacent land use recommendations of nearby property.
The subject property is fully with in the incorporated boundaries of the city of Geneva and zoned Rural Residential and will require joint input from the cities of Geneva and Batavia.
The city of Geneva has indicated strong support for redevelopment solutions that are compatible with development in and around the area and that generate income. Redevelopment concepts submitted in response to this RFQ may include one or more of these properties.
Scope of the Work — Redevelopment Opportunity Sites
The purpose of the RFQ is to serve as an indication of interest in the redevelopment and to solicit information and feedback from interested parties (i.e., individuals, firms, teams or organizations) that have experience in one or more aspects of the proposed project scope and to assist the county with confirming and/or refining the development opportunities.
The county is interested in introducing the opportunity sites to give development teams an opportunity to provide feedback and raise any key issues that would impact their ability/interest in responding; provide development teams with an opportunity to begin strategizing and form qualified teams that can successfully redevelop the property.
The county is interested in using the RFQ format as an opportunity for development teams to demonstrate their interest, ability, and creativity pertaining to the opportunity sites.
The county may use the responses and feedback from this RFQ to further refine the project scope to be released with a secondary Request for Proposal.
The county presently owns the 39.69 acres, and the Forest Preserve District of Kane County owns the surrounding properties.
The Fabyan Road Kane County Property formally housed the County Jail and Juvenile Justice Facility that have been demolished.
The site presently houses the Sheriff’s Fleet Operations Center and Fueling Station along with two storage facilities, a temporary material storage tent structure, office building for maintenance staff, the historic house Amasa White House and an antenna. All present structures will be removed by the county for any potential developer.
The disposition of historic Amasa White House is being discussed by the county and the Landmarks Illinois group. This Historic House may be moved to another location within the county or incorporated into a redevelopment concept as a preserved structure amenity.
The county wishes to engage in a dialogue with the most responsive development team to determine the highest redevelopment concept based on market conditions, financial principles, parking and transportation demands which would then help establish the potential value of this land for acquisition by the development team.
Desire Outcomes
The proposed land use(s), site layout, and building design shall take into consideration the character of the existing community and the adjacent city of Geneva Southeast Subarea Plan, previous land-use studies and other relevant information provided.
Favorable consideration will be given to redevelopment concepts which support the county and city of Geneva potential tax generating uses.
Developers interested in receiving the RFQ can contact the Kane County Purchasing Department at purchasing@co.kane.il.us. Questions need to be in writing and sent to the same email address.
The deadline for questions is Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2019. Sealed RFQ responses are due in the Kane County Purchasing Department by 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 16.
Contact the Kane County Purchasing Department for more information, including the timetable of decisionmaking, the next steps in following the RFQ and details about submitting an RFQ.