Kane County's Amazing GIS Day Set For Nov. 14

Kane County’s Amazing GIS Day Set For Nov. 14

The GIS Technologies Department of Kane County will host its annual GIS Day Open House from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2018, at  the Auditorium of Building A at the Kane County Government Center, 719 S Batavia Ave., Geneva.

GIS Day is a global event that celebrates Geographic Information Systems or GIS, the exciting and increasingly innovative technology that uses geography to analyze and change local communities and the world at large.

Ultimately, GIS Day serves to make people aware of GIS technology and the important contributions it makes to the fields of science, technology, information, and the humanities.

It is a grassroots event and a reflection of the enthusiasm and commitment of individual GIS users everywhere.

This year marks Kane County’s 19th annual GIS Day.

SOURCE: Kane County GIS news release