Temporary Closures Nov. 19-25 on Elgin Branch of Prairie Path

Temporary Closures Nov. 19-25 on Elgin Branch of Prairie Path

A utility pole project will prompt intermittent closures of portions of the Elgin branch of the Illinois Prairie Path later this month.

ComEd will be working on utility poles in the section of the bike trail between Stearns Road on the south and Middle Street on the north.

The utility project is planned for the week of Nov. 19, to be complete by Nov. 25.

The Forest Preserve District of Kane County asks trail users to be mindful of the project, the possibility of trucks on the path, and intermittent trail closures during the time frames indicated. Signs on both ends of the project will alert trail users to the project.

For more information, contact the Forest Preserve District of Kane County at 630-232-5980 or visit www.kaneforest.com.

SOURCE: Forest Preserve District of Kane County news release