AT&T Construction Work Under Way, Starting on Geneva's West Side

AT&T Construction Work Under Way, Starting on Geneva’s West Side

AT&T is replacing outdated cable television, Internet and phone service equipment located in utility easements throughout Geneva, starting on the city’s west side.

Construction was originally scheduled to begin in October, but the project was postponed as the company selected a new contractor. Work started Monday, Dec. 10, and will run to mid-February, weather permitting, primarily along Peck Road from Keslinger to Bricher roads.

The impacted subdivisions include Prairie Ridge, Westhaven and Prairie View.

Crews will be boring through the easements, which are typically a strip of land running along the street, sidewalk, rear lot line or between two lots. New conduit will then be installed underground.

Phoenix Energy Services, AT&T’s contractor, will be placing door hangers on all impacted properties this week. After construction is finished, AT&T will restore lawns this spring where digging has occurred. Residents are then encouraged to water the impacted areas following the grass repairs.

Questions regarding the project should be directed to AT&T manager Manessa Monson at 847-888-6846 or via email at

AT&T has indicated its underground equipment and infrastructure will be updated throughout the city, but the company has applied for only one construction permit to date. A construction map and more information are available on the city’s website at

SOURCE: city of Geneva news release