DeWitte, Keicher Will Compete in Feb. 25 ‘Supermarket Sweep’ For Food Pantries
Remember the 1960s TV show Supermarket Sweep, where contestants competed in a live, timed race through a supermarket in an effort to score the most valuable stuff?
Well, imagine that with local state legislators at the Jewel-Osco on Randall Road in Batavia with local food pantries as beneficiaries and you’ve got the ingredients for high drama, hilarity and a darned good time.
And you’re invited.
In fact, any and all members of the public are invited to the Kane County Farm Bureau’s 18th Annual Shopping Spree, which will be held at 10:30 a.m. Monday, Feb. 25, at the Batavia Jewel-Osco at Randall Road at Main Street.
Come to watch 33rd District State Sen. Donald DeWitte and 70th District State Rep. Jeff Keicher in a morning race to collect food to stock the shelves of two area food pantries.
The local food pantries these public officials have chosen to represent are the Tri-Cities Salvation Army in St. Charles and the Hinckley Area Food Pantry, respectively.
All of the groceries collected during the five-minute spree will be purchased by the Kane County Farm Bureau and donated to respective pantries.
The event will also call attention to the 10,000 Gallon CHALLENGE, an effort by the Farm Bureau’s not- for-profit Foundation to build community support for donating 10,000 gallons of milk and dairy products to local food pantries. A “pre-spree” milk “toast” will be offered to all shoppers in attendance.
As the area’s largest agricultural organization, the Farm Bureau sponsors the Shopping Spree each year to call attention to the abundance of fresh and nutritious food at affordable prices.
At less than 10 percent of disposable income, American household spending on food is less than any other country, and cause for celebration — but the Shopping Spree recognizes that, while food is affordable for most, it is a necessity for all — and some are less fortunate.
The Shopping Spree, like the Farm Bureau Foundation’s Harvest for ALL, Million Meal Challenge and current 10,000 Gallon Challenge campaigns, encourages local support of hunger relief agencies and neighbors in need. Through these local initiatives, KCFB members have donated the equivalent of more than 2 million meals to area food pantries.
For more information on the spree or other hunger relief efforts, contact Kane County Farm Bureau at 630-584-8660.
About the Kane County Farm Bureau
Kane County Farm Bureau is a not-for-profit membership association serving members, local agricultural producers and Kane County communities since 1912.
With more than 15,000 member families, Farm Bureau membership is open to all in Kane County who support a stable, profitable and permanent agricultural sector as a vital part of a strong economy in a free society.