Help Identify The Largest Trees in Kane County

Help Identify The Largest Trees in Kane County

Three massive bur oaks spread their limbs at Creek Bend Nature Center in LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve. (CREDIT: Valerie Blaine)

Illinois may be known as the Prairie State, but we’ve got some awesome trees, as well, and the Forest Preserve need your help to locate them.

Join the Forest Preserve District on Sunday, March 10, to discover and document the “giants” as part of the Kane County Big Tree Program. This program encourages citizens to appreciate, record and report the largest native trees in Kane County. Learn how to get involved during this workshop, led by Forest Preserve District of Kane County Naturalists.

The program will begin with classroom instruction covering tree measurement techniques, and the protocol for nominating trees in the program. Afterward, the group will head outdoors to practice measuring trees.

This program is from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., at Creek Bend Nature Center, located within LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve at 37W700 Dean St., St. Charles.

Advance registration is required. This program is for adults age 18 and older, and has a registration fee of $10. Call 630-444-3190 or e-mail to register. For more information, visit

Learn from the Experts programs are taught by experts in their respective fields and offer in-depth learning opportunities about our local ecology.

The programs are offered through a partnership with the Forest Preserve District of Kane County, St. Charles Park District and Geneva Park District.

SOURCE: Forest Preserve District of Kane County news release