Act Quickly If You Want an Exemption From County's Revised Stormwater Ordinance

Act Quickly If You Want an Exemption From County’s Revised Stormwater Ordinance

Kane County’s Division of Environmental and Water Resources is alerting people doing or planning small development projects that the clock is ticking if you want to apply for an exemption prior to passage of proposed revisions in the Kane County Stormwater Management Ordinance.

Jodie Wollnik, director of the division, says property owners and developers will have the opportunity to request an exemption from some of the new requirements of the ordinance.

Small projects such as gravel, roof or pavement might be affected by the ordinance revisions.

“We want to draw specific attention to small projects with between 5,000 square feet and 25,000 square feet of new surface such as gravel, roof or pavement,” she said. “Under the proposed revisions, these projects will now require a Best Management Practice such as a rain garden or infiltration trench. If your project falls within these parameters, we recommend contacting your community to discuss if the project would be eligible for an exemption.”

Exemption forms will be available at the county and with the development departments of municipalities that have adopted the Kane County Stormwater Management Ordinance.

If your property or development falls within a Certified Community, the form will need to be filed with that community, Wollnik said. A list of Certified Communities is available on the county’s website.

If your community is not certified, or if your project is in unincorporated Kane County, the form should be filed with Kane County’s Water Resources Department.

Exemptions must be approved by the Certified Community at least 15 business days prior to the revision date which is anticipated to be June 1, 2019.

The draft ordinance can be viewed and downloaded on the Kane County Stormwater Ordinance website.

The ordinance update is presently in a 30-day review of the “90 percent draft,” and that review will end on March 31, 2019.

SOURCE: Kane County Division of Environmental and Water Resources news release

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