Flu Numbers Take Unusual March Jump in Kane County

Flu Numbers Take Unusual March Jump in Kane County

Flu numbers are jumping again in Kane County — a rare Week 10 increase in emergency room percentages, intensive care unit admissions, school absenteeism and outbreaks at longterm care facilities.

Kane County is bucking the trend nationally, as influenza activity decreased slightly, but remains elevated in the United States. That said, the flu continues to be deadly, especially for children.

Nationwide, a total of 68 influenza-associated pediatric deaths have been reported to the Centers for Disease Control during the 2018-2019 season, including one in Kane County.

Four influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported to CDC during Week 10. One death was associated with an influenza A virus and occurred during Week 6 (the week ending Feb. 9, 2019). Two deaths were associated with an influenza A(H3) virus and occurred during weeks 9 and 10 (the weeks ending March 2 and March 9, 2019, respectively).

Influenza surveillance for the Kane County Health Department includes the collection of data from hospital emergency rooms, laboratories, and public schools.
For Week 10, Kane County participants reported the following aggregate measures:
  • Among five reporting hospital emergency rooms, 6.9 percent of visits were for influenza-like illness (ILI).
  • During Week 10, five labs reported that 190 of 708 (26.8 percent) specimens tested for influenza were positive. Of these 190 specimens: 175 (92.1 percent) were positive for Influenza A and 15 (7.9 percent) were positive for Influenza B.
  • The absenteeism rate for public schools in Kane County was 0.4 percent. No public school was closed due to increased ILI activity.
  • As of the week ending March 9, there were 20 influenza-related ICU admissions reported to the Health Department. One influenza-associated pediatric death has been reported.
  • To date, four outbreaks of influenza have been reported in Long-Term Care/Assisted Living facilities in Kane County.

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SOURCE: Kane County Health Department