VIDEO: Sheriff Warns Parents About 'Momo Challenge' Hoax

VIDEO: Sheriff Warns Parents About ‘Momo Challenge’ Hoax

Kane County Sheriff Ron Hain is reminding parents to monitor your children’s social media and gaming apps for the Momo spam.

The alarming image and message asks children to commit harmful acts inside the home, Hain said in a Facebook post and news release.

Kane County Sheriff Ron Hain

“We’ll be holding some upcoming presentations on this and other dangers within our school districts,” he said.

To keep an eye on your childrens’ electronic data, the Sheriff’s Office recommends visiting the Be Sure Consulting website at

The Momo challenge is an internet hoax that nevertheless caused tons of parental stress and responses from Kim Kardashian and YouTube, according to the parenting website Fatherly.

According to multiple media sources posted today (Tuesday, March 5, 2019), the artist whose sculpture inspired the Internet hoax says the original sculpture has been destroyed.

That doesn’t mitigate the concerns of parents, in part because this scam seems to have many lives and iterations.

The important thing, experts say, is that parents don’t panic.

According to The Atlantic, the “Momo challenge” is a recurring viral hoax that has scared parents around the world.

And it’s not new. “This entire cycle of shock, terror, and outrage about Momo even took place before, less than a year ago,” The Atlantic article says.