Earth Day 2019: Take The Next Step Toward Sustainability

Earth Day 2019: Take The Next Step Toward Sustainability

  • The Kane County Division of Environmental and Water Resources and Kane County Connects are “Counting Down to Earth Day” with a series of articles on “Going Green” in 2019. This article was written by Resource Management Coordinator Jessica Mino.

I am frequently asked by friends, family, and the public at events, “What is the one thing that I should focus on to be more sustainable?”

With the broad variety of “sustainability tips” out there, it can be difficult to figure out what to do to really make an impact.

My answer: “Rethink your lifestyle — taking it step by step.”

What I mean is to systematically look at your lifestyle and ask yourself if there is a better option for any action that’s part of your daily routine.

That kind of personal change doesn’t happen overnight. Trying to make too many changes all at once can just be overwhelming — and difficult to maintain.

So choose one thing. Once you feel like the sustainable option you have been working toward is a regular part of your life, choose something else to work on.

My husband and I have been doing this for years.

A more sustainable lifestyle is always a work in progress. Take it step by step.

Make Every Day Earth Day!

Our Countdown to Earth Day series is leaving with a message similar to the one we delivered last year: Make Every Day Earth Day!

But this year, we’re going to take the idea one “step” further.

To continue our outreach, Kane County Connects and Sustain Kane will be joining forces to start a new sustainability series, Step By Step Sustainability, focused on ways Kane County residents can move toward a sustainable, future-friendly lifestyle.

Each article will help you take that next step toward sustainability, with topics ranging from household products to managing your outdoor spaces to travel to work life.

The monthly series will demonstrate ways to reduce waste, promote healthy ecosystems, protect our water, and appreciate a healthy environment — all within reasonable bounds that leave you feeling accomplished. Examples from my own life will be included!

Then, one day, you may just wake up and realize, “Wow, I have really reduced my impact on the environment!”

With our monthly focus topics, you can move step by step with us toward a more sustainable lifestyle — helping you Make Every Day Earth Day, too!

Happy Earth Day!

See you next month, when we set out together toward sustainability.

— Jessica Mino
April 18, 2019

Read The Countdown to Earth Day Series!