Pratt Shooting Memorial Crosses on Display at Aurora Historical Society
The five white wooden crosses memorializing the victims of the workplace shooting at the Henry Pratt Company in Aurora are on display at the Piece Art and History Center through May 4, 2019.
The crosses were given to the Aurora Historical Society to be kept in perpetuity.
In accepting the crosses at a ceremony on March 31, Executive Director John Jaros said the crosses have historic as well as emotional significance.
“Long after all of us are gone, people will still be able to remember and tell the story of what happened in Aurora on Feb. 15, 2019,” he said.
The crosses, and some of the memorabilia left with them at the Pratt site, are exhibited within the second floor exhibit, “Aurora Story.”
Pierce Center hours are noon to 4 p.m. Wednesdays through Saturdays. There are extended hours, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., on First Fridays, April 5 and May 4.
Admission to the Pierce Center is free, although donations are appreciated. It is located at 20 East Downer Place, 60505.
After May 4 the crosses and memorabilia will be cleaned, cataloged and archived. They will be put briefly on display again at the one-year anniversary of the tragedy.
There is more information online at and on Facebook and Instagram at aurorahistory.
- FEATURE PHOTO CAPTION: A visitor ponders the crosses from the Pratt shooting, now on display at the Pierce Art and History Center.